What is Weatherization?
The field of weatherization is closely linked to work done in Home Energy Audits. Many of the improvements recommended after an energy audit would fall in the category of weatherization. In the weatherization process two major areas are addressed; insulation and air infiltration. By simply aligning the thermal(insulation) and pressure(air) boundaries on a home we can begin to make drastic reductions in energy use. The larger savings come when we increase the insulation and decrease air infiltration to proper levels now understood through modern building science.
A project we completed in the Elm Heights neighborhood of Bloomington showed a typical case of improvements that can be made. This home, built in the 1950's, was virtually un-insulated with an air infiltration rate far beyond the structure's minimum ventilation rate(MVR). After properly insulating the attic and foundation and cutting the air infiltration in half through careful air sealing, we can expect savings in heating and cooling of 30% or more.